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Neck Lift (Lower Rhytidectomy)

Signs of aging can be apparent in the thin delicate skin of your neck. A neck lift with tightening of the skin and underlying muscle can be performed to contour the neck and jawline.

What it Does ...

The accumulation of drooping skin, fat, and muscle in the neck is a common issue and often one of the first signs of aging for many individuals. Excess neck tissues can develop quite suddenly, often following periods of weight fluctuation.

Besides, the area beneath the chin can accumulate excess fat, sagging skin, muscle laxity, or a combination of these factors, creating the illusion of weight gain even without actual changes in body weight. These changes are sometimes colloquially referred to as a "turkey neck."

The most effective approach to rejuvenate the neck is through a neck lift procedure. This surgery contours and repositions redundant skin, muscle, and fat to restore them to their former, more youthful positions. Sutures are employed to lift and secure the tissue around the ears, achieving a rejuvenated appearance. The incisions (scars) for a neck lift are typically placed in similar locations as those for a facelift, making them commonly performed together.

The Process

The incision is similar to that of a facelift and can be entirely hidden behind the ear. During the procedure, the tissues of the neck and lower face are repositioned to a more youthful state, and excess fat under the neck is removed either through liposuction or direct excision. Additionally, the muscles in the centre of the neck are stitched together to address and prevent the development of visible bands that often accompany aging.

Sometimes, a small incision may be required under the chin to suture together the hanging edges of the platysma muscle. Additional discreet incisions hidden around the ear and along the hairline allow for lifting and tightening of the neck tissues. The outcome typically includes a smooth, taut jawline and neck.

The best outcomes occur when the retaining ligaments of the neck and face are fully released. Once these ligaments are released, neck and facial tissues can be repositioned gently and without tension, resulting in natural and long-lasting results. Key retaining ligament groups include the cervical, mandibular, and zygomatic ligaments.

Eligibility & Indications

  • For both men and women

  • Those who often feel more self-conscious about neck aging

  • Exhibit excess tissue that originally resided higher on the face and gradually descended below the jawline over the years

  • Factors such as sun exposure, genetics, and significant weight fluctuations speed it up

Compliment it with ...

+          Liposuction and FaceTITE for enhanced contouring and skin tightening

+          Facelift (deep plane) to address rejuvenation of midface and upper face (vertical neck lift)

In some cases, your surgeon may advise you to perform other procedures along with a neck lift if deemed necessary. These include removal of excess skin, liposuction, a platysmaplasty, reduction in the size of the digastric muscles, submandibular gland suspension and a chin implant.

a) Platysmaplasty + Facelift/Neck Lift

Platysmaplasty improves appearance of the neck by addressing platysma muscle - a thin, broad muscle that extends from the upper chest and shoulders to the lower face and jawline. Over time, due to aging, genetics, or other factors, the platysma muscle can become loose or form bands, contributing to the appearance of sagging or bands in the neck area. It is a specialised procedure that aims to create a more youthful and defined neck contour, addressing concerns such as neck bands or sagging skin that are not effectively treated by non-surgical means alone.

During a platysmaplasty, the surgeon typically makes small incisions either under the chin or behind the ears. Through these incisions, the platysma muscle is accessed and various techniques can be employed to tighten or reshape it. This may involve trimming excess muscle tissue, suturing the muscle to achieve a smoother appearance, or even altering the muscle's orientation to improve neck contours.

b)  Excess Skin Removal & Neck Lift

Loose skin on the neck tends to develop wrinkles and sag over time. The platysma muscle, which is more pronounced in younger individuals, often becomes thinner with age, resulting in excess skin that hangs loosely.

In most neck lift procedures, some amount of skin is typically removed, except in younger patients. The specific amount of skin removed varies depending on each patient's unique anatomy. Incisions for these procedures are strategically planned to maximise the removal of loose skin while minimising the visibility of scars.

c)  Neck Liposuction + Neck Lift

Neck liposuction is a procedure that uses a small suction device to remove excess fat cells from the neck area. It is typically performed through three tiny incisions in the skin. Neck liposuction focuses solely on fat reduction and does not address loose skin or muscle laxity in the neck. When combined with a neck lift procedure, liposuction can complement the recontouring of the neck area. In some cases, liposuction may be performed alone without additional procedures.

It is crucial to perform neck liposuction conservatively to prevent an overly sculpted appearance and minimise scarring.

d) Digastric Muscle Reduction + Neck Lift

The digastric muscle, located underneath the chin, can contribute to a sagging or aged appearance when it becomes enlarged or prominent. This prominent “fullness” can sometimes result from the anterior belly of the digastric muscle hanging low, especially in people with a naturally low-positioned hyoid bone.

During the procedure, the surgeon makes careful incisions to access and reduce the size of the digastric muscle. This reduction helps to improve the contour and definition of the lower face and neck, enhancing the overall rejuvenation effect.

Combining digastric muscle reduction with a neck lift provides comprehensive enhancement of the lower face and neck, resulting in a more balanced and rejuvenated facial profile.

e) Submandibular Gland Suspension + Neck Lift

Submandibular gland suspension is often combined with a neck lift procedure to address sagging submandibular glands that contribute to a bulge along the jawline. This technique involves securing the glands higher up under the jawline, enhancing the overall contour and rejuvenation of the neck area.

f) Chin Implants + Neck Lift

A chin that is set back can impact the outcome of a neck lift. Chin implants are often incorporated into neck lift procedures to improve overall facial harmony and profile. By enhancing chin projection, the combination can achieve a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing outcome for patients seeking rejuvenation of the neck and lower face.

g) Submental Fat Removal + Neck Lift

Submental fat removal, often performed alongside a neck lift, targets excess fat under the chin to improve neck contours. This procedure involves liposuction or direct excision to reduce the appearance of a double chin and enhance the definition of the jawline. Combining submental fat removal with a neck lift can achieve a smoother, more sculpted neck appearance for patients seeking comprehensive facial rejuvenation.

If significant, fat beneath the chin may require direct removal, which can be achieved using either scissors or liposuction. This fat can be situated above the platysma muscle, between the muscles in the centre, or beneath the muscle layers.

Submental Liposuction + FaceTITE = Beautiful jawline 
(1 hour procedure)