Endoscopic Ear & Otology
The Ear
The ear is a complex organ responsible for both hearing and balance. It consists of three main parts: the outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear. Each part plays a crucial role in the overall function of the ear, and disorders affecting these structures can lead to various pathological conditions.
The outer ear consists of the pinna (auricle) that collects the sound waves and the ear canal (external auditory canal) which is a tube-like structure that carries the waves to the eardrum.
The middle ear houses the eardrum (tympanic membrane) that vibrates in response to the sound waves. These vibrations are transmitted to the inner ear by three small bones called malleus, incus and stapes. A narrow channel called the Eustachian tube connects the middle ear to the back of the nose helping in pressure equalisation.
The central region also has the attic, antrum and epitympanum. The attic is the uppermost part of the middle ear space where pathologies can include cholesteatoma (non-cancerous) or chronic ear infections that may lead to erosion of the ossicles (middle ear bones) or adjacent structures. The mastoid antrum is a cavity within the mastoid portion of the temporal bone, which is located behind the ear. During mastoidectomy, the mastoid antrum is often accessed to treat chronic otitis media or complications such as cholesteatoma. The epitympanum is the upper portion of the tympanic cavity, located above the level of the tympanic membrane.
Lastly, the inner ear comprises the cochlea which is a spiral-shaped structure filled with fluid and lined with tiny hair cells that convert sound waves to electrical signals. This part also contains three semicircular canals and the vestibule (vestibular system), which are responsible for balance and spatial orientation.